Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Create - The One Word of the Year

I recently wrote about creativity and the importance of finding ourselves in a creative moment.  I write from a perspective of the late 40's in age.  I don't want to exclude any audience from my writings but I want you, the reader, to know my perspective.

Hopefully we can connect regardless of age or economic situation.

I am 47 and 'somewhat' employed.  I am on my second round of owning a business.  The first was a learning experience in going it alone.  Now I am working with partners on a similar venture.  Both are within the food industry.  I am a general partner in a small BBQ restaurant located in Texas.  Who would of thought someone in Texas would want to eat BBQ.

I write about my first venture and much about my getting to this point in life in this article.  If you want to know how to blow $75,000 in a few months then the above article is a must read.

CreateBut back to creativity.  I have chosen the word Create as a focus word for 2014.  I have found a website that has been around since 2009 whose goal is to encourage and keep people accountable who are focused on a single word.   It is an excellent idea and I encourage anyone to check out the website here.

 Being creative has been apart of my life since I was six years old.  My mom tells a story about how I would point at a guitar before I knew the word.  At age six I started to learn the guitar.  In high school I studied the art of singing and continued into early college.  I then learned about the art of recording music, working on albums of some famous and not-so-famous artists.  Late in life I began to draw and paint. I received an amazing amount of support from my family and a few friends.

The only problem I kept having with being creative was paying the bills.  I worked for years in mid-management corporate America.  I became used to bringing the paycheck and paying the bills. I left the career and landed a job in a laundromat.  I worked at the cash register and did the wash and fold service.  I was immersed in a world I had not seen since college.  It was very strange.  I took the job on the premise I would have time to sketch and hone my skill.  I spent all my time washing and drying other people's dirty clothes. It was an amazing learning experience about the human nature.  I will write about that chapter in my life some other time.

So to Create is my continual theme. Now I will write.   I would say I will try to write but I am writing.  I have been writing for some time now.  I have even been paid to write.  Does that make me a professional writer.  I was paid for my drawings and paintings. Does that make me a professional artist?  I honestly don't know the answer to the question.  .

I am just here wanting to connect with an audience.  I want to know that you are there or here; that you are with me.  Maybe you are few steps ahead on the path of create. Maybe you are a few steps behind.  But I am guessing that we are on a similar path.  Are we? Are you?

If you find this post valuable. If it speaks to you in some capacity please let me know.  Leave a comment or follow me on Twitter.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Thank you for your readership.  


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